“Do you want to become my dulur?”- That was the very first question that resource person asked us today, before sharing stories about their struggling to protect the land in Kendeng mountain and Rembang- Central Java, Indonesia- from construction of cement factory.
Dulur means relatives or family. For people in Pati and Rembang, everyone in the world is dulur, we are related to each other. However, it is not that easy to answer- Yes! I want to be your dulur, or No! I don’t want to, for the question he asked. To be my dulur, you have to know my issue. To be your dulur, I have to know your issue. We have to engage to each other to become dulur.
Unity makes power.
Pak Gunretno is a member of JMPPK- Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng who takes part in protecting Kendeng mountain. For him, struggles of people in their community are not to win land or achieve something, but to make sure our sky will always be cool, our air is always clean. It’s the responsibility to our nature, all the time, because we are dulur.
Let’s take a look back to 2006, when the cement company wanted to build a factory in Kendeng area. The conflicts came because the government at that time made a deal with the factory without communicating with Kendeng community. The government tried to convince them to give their land, with such reasons- and if they didn’t, that they were against with their future, with their next generations and not supporting the government. So, what should they do for their land?
Firstly, Pak Gunretno held a “open stage” to share about protecting Kendeng. He invited ministers, police, governance… to come to join the open stage, but then they refused and sent their staff to give a speech. A transaction to buy and sell the land still sadly went on between the factory and people.
Then they built network to protect the mountain. But his NGO is uncertified organization and in fact, he did not want it to process one. Because if so, they might receive money from government, then be dependent on them, involved with them and stop their fighting. This movement had to be sustained. They also proved their land is not that unproductive like the government said.
So they decided to bring this case to court. It was like a football match, reciprocally. Funny the government and the factory thought that they did not understand the law and cheated the community times after times. Actually they know the laws even though they don’t go to school. The case won in supreme court, after a long process, a hard fighting with 9 people missing, patient people blocking the road and 250 police cars coming to kick them out. Yet, in June 2016, the corner stone marked the starting of factory construction and they came with 2000 people to fight back. In these 2000 people, despite just normal and honest farmers, they are brave and no one is coward.
It was such a long complicated story about their strugggles. There are already 5 cement factories all around Central Java, and the plan is to build 8 ones. While the farmers are honest and sincere, the cement factory is wise and not going to give up. They moved to Rembang, approached the community slowly. With fake documents and research, breaking to laws, finally they built the factory in June 2014. Too late for the villagers to realize the issues that the construction already started.
The construction keeps going.
The struggles are going on and on.
They walked from Rembang to Semarang, stood in front of the office to ask WHY. Why is such a new permit for building the factory called addendum? Just because the community people do not go to school and have their own education does not mean they are foolish and do not know the laws.

In April 2016 many women of Kendeng do protest with do ‘Mengecor Kaki’ in front of the state palace, one lady died due to heart attack so they had to come back their village.
They will continue until the factory is closed forever. The cement factory now keeps operating with support from government. Infrastructure is being focused too much- brigdes and roads building, factories…- rather than environment. But still, environment should be the first priority.
Since we are dulur, Pak Gunretno shared us his stories. For the future, he hoped the government will do good things for the environment not only in Central Java but also for other places. Then before ending the discussion, Pak Gunretno asked us to sing the song together…

Gunung Kendeng tak kan kulepas
Tempat kita hidup bersama
Selamanya akan kita jaga
Jawa tengah yang jaya
Jawa tengah yang jaya
Itulah harapan kita semua 
Jawa Tengah yang jaya
Jawa Tengah yang jaya
Kita pasti menang
Pastilah menang
Salam Kendeng, Lestari!
I don’t want to give up my land
Forever we need to protect it
The great Central Java
That’s our hope
The great Central Java

Together with deep understanding and unity of people, we believe that they will keep their spirit and protect the land to be always beautiful. And for us, keep fighting and trying for what we do believe. 

More about the struggle-


  1. Udara segar, membuat kita sehat

    Udara Segar, kurangi biaya kesehatan

    Udara segar,
    kita dapatkan gratis

  2. Aneh jika pembangunan bangsa malah merugikan rakyatnya sendiri

    Lahan produktif diubah jadi lahan konsumtif


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